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010_04 / 30 September 2016



Chta (Rain), 2014

1 min 52 secs


Chta is a poetic attempt to capture the essence of rain. This experimental short film attempts to unveil what this creature, the rain, has to teach us about ourselves.

About the author


Saad has had a deep love for poetry and cinema since birth, and he won numerous awards for his poetry during his university studies. Since he left school in 2008, he has been an art director and writer of commercials for advertising agencies in the Maghreb. Now, for almost two years, Saad had been able to do what he likes most: directing. In 2014, he made his second short film Chta (Rain) which won first prize in Street Cinema in Casablanca, and the 'Phone Made' category at SeeMOR: The Anglesey Film Festival in Wales in that same year. Since 2016, he has been working on a new project called Sawt Dakhili, literally meaning 'inner voice', the internal monologue or the verbal stream of consciousness. Sawt Dakhili experiments with internal speeches through several daily experiences put into short POV videos.