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Search results for 'Geopolitics'
The Geopolitics of Contemporary Art
Nikos Papastergiadis and Gerardo Mosquera
The Personal and the Political All at Once
Adham Hafez in conversation with Suzy Halajian
Reversing Power, Allowing Possibilities
Yael Bartana in conversation with Clelia Coussonnet
When Energy Becomes Form
Stefano Rabolli Pansera in conversation with Stephanie Bailey
A Cartography of Events
Vangelis Vlahos in conversation with Stephanie Bailey
Politics in Practice
Younes Bouadi in conversation with Stephanie Bailey
Event Horizon
Eric Baudelaire in conversation with Anthony Downey
Revisiting Internationalists
Fadi Bardawil in conversation with Zeynep Oz
Culture Now: Renzo Martens at the ICA, London
Tom Snow
Real Edgy
A Report from Home Works 7 and Athens Biennale 5 to 6
Telling Other Stories
A Report from Cologne
On Building Nations
A two-part conversation with Szabolcs KissPál and Mahmoud Khaled
Now Where?
On Navigating Without a Compass
A Faustian Pact
Notes on Geo-cultural Exhibitions
La Mano de Dios
Rayyane Tabet at Museo Marino Marini
Towards a Spatial Imaginary
Walking Cabbages and Watermelons
Queer Chronopolitics
Forests, Freaks and Performativity
Where to Now?
An Introduction to Platform 010
Windows on Work
Tarek Al-Ghoussein at Galerie Brigitte Schenk
Maps That Don’t Belong
Natasha Ginwala
The North of the South and the West of the East
A Provocation to the Question
Meriç Algün Ringborg
Qalandiya International 2016
A Series of Un-Curated Events: Ramallah
Qalandiya International 2016
Partner institutions
Qalandiya International 2016
Contextual Notes: Rawan Sharaf Reema Salha Fadda Stephanie Bailey
FIELD MEETING Take 4: Thinking Practice
A State of Exception
Mario Rizzi in conversation with Dorothea Schoene
A DREAM: The Iraq Pavilion at 55th Venice Biennale
Tamara Chalabi, Reem Shather-Kubba, and Jonathan Watkins in conversation with Basak Senova
The Jerusalem Show
Editor's Foreword: Anthony Downey
Echoes & Reverberations
Exhibition Overview
A Letter’s Discourse
Yazan Khalili and Lara Khaldi in conversation with Natasha Hoare
Past Disquiet
Rasha Salti and Kristine Khouri in conversation with Samah Hijawi
New Kids On The Block
Randa Mirza in conversation with Amira Gad
Between Middle and East
JW Stella in conversation with Aimee Dawson
We Are Sick, But We Are Alive
Haig Aivazian in conversation with Rayya Badran
The Islamic Sonic-Social
Seth Ayyaz in conversation with Sheyma Buali
Forensic Transgressions
Maryam Monalisa Gharavi in conversation with Mirene Arsanios
Mirrors for Princes
Anthony Downey and Beatrix Ruf in conversation with Slavs and Tatars
A New World Summit
Jonas Staal in conversation with Stephanie Bailey
Technologies of History
Jananne Al-Ani in conversation with Nat Muller
From the Ground Up
Discussing arts infrastructure in Tehran
After the Biennial
Fulya Erdemci in conversation with Basak Senova
Raising the Roof
Nevin Aladağ in conversation with Walter D. Mignolo
Cultivating Continuities
Suha Shoman in conversation with Amin Alsaden
Where Are We Now?
Hicham Khalidi in conversation with Daniella Rose King
Curating the Revolution: Meeting Points 7
WHW in conversation with Omar Kholeif
On Logical Revolts
Louis Henderson in conversation with Amira Gad
The Making of a Collective
MADRASSA Collective in conversation with Antonia Alampi
Art in the Time of the Anthropocene
Nora Razian, Nataša Petrešin Bachelez, and Angela Harutyunyan in conversation, with a contribution from Natasha Gasparian
Future Imperfect
Monira Al Qadiri: The Saudi New Wave | Digital Landscapes and Future Institutions
On the Stage of the Event
The Cairo Seminar in Alexandria, dOCUMENTA (13)
Architecture After Revolution
Decolonizing Architecture at Tate Modern
The Jerusalem Show
News The Jerusalem Show 007 / 24 October 2014 Ibraaz is pleased to announce the opening of THE JERUSALEM SHOW VII: FRACTURES. Curated by Basak Senova and organized by Al-Ma'mal Foundation for Contemporary Art, Jerusalem, this year's show runs from 24 October to 7 November 2014, and is presented in...
Ibraaz Platform 008
Ibraaz April Newsletter
Ibraaz February Reader 009/08
Planetary Records: Performing Justice Between Art and Law
Trace Environments: Sovereignty, toxicity and the littoral
Where to Now: Shifting Regional Dynamics and Cultural Production in North Africa and the Middle East
Platform 010 Editorial
Act I: Sharjah Biennial 13
Stephanie Bailey
Both Sides of the Curtain
Meeting Points 8
Mustafa Hulusi
Negative Ecstasy at Dirimart, Istanbul
What Representations?
Exhibitions and Other Representations in 25 Years at Witte de With
Return to the Former Middle East
Ibraaz 5th Year Anniversary Editorial
Sous les Pavés, la Plage
On Assumption and Authority
Magic, Maybe
Jumana Manna at Chisenhale Gallery, London
The 5th Thessaloniki Biennale
Between the Pessimism of the Intellect and the Optimism of the Will
'A Deep Reverence for the Region's History'
Edited Urbanism on Dubai Creek
Maraya Art Centre
Transition Times
Performing Armenity at the 56th Venice Biennale
The Politics of the (im)Possible
Sharjah Biennial 12: The past, the present, the possible
The Shadow Economies of Being Seen
Determining the Axis of the Global South and Middle East
A Curatorial Take on the Global South
Mobile Maghrebs
Contemporary Cinema from North Africa
Aesthetics of Migration
Street Art in the Mediterranean Border Zones
Other Maps
On Bouchra Khalili’s Cartographies
Platform 008 Editorial
Anthony Downey
Response to Platform 8 by Pio Abad
The Cultural Centre of the Philippines opened to great political fanfare on 10 September 1969, with a ceremony that was graced by none less than California Governor Ronald Reagan and his wife Nancy acting on the orders of President Nixon.
The Global South
Conflicting Narratives and the Invention of Geographies
The Future of Art in the Age of Militarized De-Production
Re-Thinking Cultural Development in Palestine
Doha Days
Global Art Forum 8 at Katara Art Center
All Mother Tongues Are Difficult
Mounira Al Solh at Sfeir-Semler Gallery, Beirut
Filling the Gaps
Arts Infrastructures and Institutions in Libya Post-Dictatorship
Alt Üst
Cevdet Erek at Spike Island, Bristol
We Are What We Eat
The Politics of Food at Delfina Foundation
A Story of an Exhibition
On The Admissibility of Sound
Seth Ayyaz
Response to Platform 6 by Sandra Skurvida
I envision the liberation of an archive (from attachment to a person, state, or region) through its transfiguration into a database. This emancipation requires dematerialization and displacement.
Enacting the Archives, Decentring the Muses
The Museum of Islamic Art in Doha and the Asian Civilizations Museum in Singapore
Shifting the Geographies of Sensing, Believing and Knowing
On Being 'The Other' In Post-Civil War Lebanon
Aid and the Politics of Art in Processes of Contemporary Cultural Production
Noise in the Courtyard
Sharjah Biennial 11 – Re:emerge, Towards a New Cultural Cartography
Response to Platform 3 by Ergin Çavuşoğlu
I am broadly interested in addressing the recontextualisation of cultural heritage in the MENA region by institutions, thus aligning it in the process with current developments in contemporary art at large. Artistic practices are frequently used to measure the economic and cultural growth of geographies. This is often achieved by...
Response to Platform 2 by Giuseppe Moscatello
Nowadays, visual culture is considered to be a vehicle for the constant delivering of messages of identity to the public. The image has become the universal means of recalling to an audience the history of how we speak; how we think; and how we envision the future. Until a few...
About us
Initiated by the Kamel Lazaar Foundation in 2011, Ibraaz is the leading critical forum on visual culture in North Africa and the Middle East. We publish an annual online platform – consisting of essays, interviews, artists' projects, and platform responses – that focuses on research questions conceived through a network...
Response to Platform 1 by Saskia Sassen
Cities have long been sites for conflict, from war and the oppressions of dictators to racisms and religious hatreds. And yet, where national states have historically responded by militarizing conflict, cities have tended to triage conflict through commerce and civic activity. Often the overcoming of urban conflicts became the source...
Ethnography + Art: Convergence or Collision?
Mark Westmoreland
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